Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Just a decent boy playing football

You can get an idea of how much I love playing football by the fact that I always show up wherever there's play in spite of not knowing how to even dribble right in a game. Given that I'm good at running and several other sports you'd be amused to see what happens when the ball comes my way.
Dunno what happens when the ball comes to me - I just lose it
And nonetheless I've been part of at least three proper teams and have played about 50 proper matches.

The reason is of course, football - the game and the feel of the play. It is without doubt the game I'd choose if I could play only one game in my life.

The foremost thing is that it's naturally beautiful, just like life. And it shows how much life can be pulled off in a playground with a ball. Eduardo Galeano's almost got the right words in the following quote:
"The ball laughs, radiant, in the air. He brings her down, puts her to sleep, showers her with compliments, dances with her, and seeing such things never before seen his admirers pity their unborn grandchildren who will never see them."
The other thing is the wholesomeness of the sport - how it stimulates everything - skill, strength, focus, character, discipline, compassion and togetherness all at the same time. Every ninety minutes on the field is extreme engagement by everyone at play and engagement with everyone on the team. That's what makes it the complete sport.

Since there is a strong team culture in the game, it extends to fans as well, and so most fans support particular players and the clubs they play for. My fancies for the game inspire me to follow FC Barcelona because of their closely knit game. The other reason why I root for FCB is that every footballer who's inspired me so far has played for Barca - be it Johan Cruyff, Ronaldinho, the old Ronaldo, Messi or Maradona. So Barca it is.

Here are a couple of videos I keep watching

Ronaldinho - tricks

Lionel Messi is god

Over time I've realised my play has improved. And something that's really contributed is that I took a friend's advice to get a ball and keep loving it which basically means keep hitting it against a wall at home. Works wonders I tell you.

Other things that help at my level is playing FIFA (the video game) and watching and playing a many games as I can.

So for the coming weekends whenever there'll be a choice - I'd rather be playing football.

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