Tuesday, 18 November 2014


Skating is fun. It's a basic movement just like running, swimming or driving i.e. if you don't know how to skate you'd be missing on a fundamental skill. If you know it, however, you can easily start with a skateboard and even ski.

Skating - in particular ice skating, although not so popular here in India, has a huge following worldwide because it's so much pleasure to both watch as well as do. And if you'd like some lucky accidents with girls - a disco skating club might be your spot.

I could never quite learn to skate - it's been like find a spare pair of skates for a couple of hours and take what you can get situation most of the time - so I've skated a couple of times. But I happen to be amazing at it. I zig and zag my way through at least 20 crashes in the first ten minutes and for the remaining hours I'm able to match up with the best skater on the rink with just a couple of more falls - steep learning you'd say if you see me sometime. I think all it takes is those 20 crashes if you know what I mean - now you could give em to yourself in 10 minutes or a month depending on your qualms with falling on your face. And I speak with experience with all skates as well as skateboards (including the two wheel skateboards).

By the way, if you haven't experienced a two wheel skate board yet - here's a demo

A 2 wheel skateboard
It's really cool - and much better than the usual 4 wheels because you don't have to push the ground for momentum. On a two wheel flexible board you can get up to speed like a fish by making waves with your back foot. Balancing is easier too because it's more intuitive and has more degrees of freedom as compared to a 4 wheeler. However, you can't really do the tricks possible with a conventional board so there's the trade off. I'd probably keep a two wheeler for indoors and a basic one for the road.
There's also news about an impressive electric one wheel skateboard to hit the market soon. Check out the concept demo. You'll be amazed.

Revolutionary One Wheel Skateboard

Skating is mostly a safe sport if you're not up to extreme stuff and once you're onto it the only thing you need to be cautious about is colliding with other skaters on the rink. Otherwise it's more or less like running (gliding actually) on ice.

To follow the sport and events you can go to blogs like this one or read more. Or if you'd like to learn this post's got the names you'll need.

For starters you can just buy a basic pair of roller skates and go to a nearby rink. Mostly you should find one in the city stadium along with hordes of skating enthusiasts and teachers to keep you company. Knowing a friend who skates can be superb.

Will update this post later with some skating recording I've made. Please comment if you've any feedback for me.

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